This is an excerpt from a comedy series featuring George Farrugia, known as Charlie Chaplin of Malta.
Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, The Tramp. His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death on Christmas Day in 1977.
Chaplin’s versatility extended to writing, music and sports. He was the author of at least four books, ‘My Trip Abroad’, ‘A Comedian Sees the World’, ‘My Autobiography’, ‘My Life in Pictures’ as well as all of his scripts.
He was also a composer, having written and published many songs, among them: ‘Sing a Song’, ‘With You Dear in Bombay’ and ‘There’s Always One You Can’t Forget’, ‘Smile’, ‘Eternally’, ‘You Are My Song’, as well as the soundtracks for all his films. Chaplin was one of the rare comedians who not only financed and produced all his films but was the author, actor, director and soundtrack composer of them as well.